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Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program Invites Young Generation to Improve Competence in Tourism

Various efforts have been made to increase tourism in Indonesia, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Inevitably, the government and tourism actors must continue to innovate along with the times and the shifting behavior of tourists. One that plays an important role is the creative and innovative young generation in order to encourage the development of Indonesian tourism.

“The young generation who has competence in the tourism sector is currently very much needed. The government has begun to urge workers in Indonesia to have competency certifications issued by institutions that have the authority to compete in the global market, especially in ASEAN (ASEAN Single Community), and meet industry demands,” said Anisatul Auliya, SST.Par, M. Par., Head of the Community Service Team (Pengmas) of the Tourism Business Management Study Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) Vocational Education Program which held a seminar with the theme “Creating a Competent Young Generation in the Tourism Sector” at SMKN 24 Jakarta on Monday (28/3). /2022).

This Community Service is carried out in line with the appeal of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf RI) to continue to encourage programs to improve the quality of human resources in the tourism sector. Febrian, M.Sc., who is also a member of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program Community Service Team said, “Competence is very much needed in the tourism industry, considering that the role of HR competence greatly determines the progress of the organization in dealing with changes that occur.”

“This competence can be achieved through various trainings and certifications. This is also an effort to realize quality human resources and in accordance with existing standards. With the provision of these competencies, it will help the tourism industry in Indonesia continue to grow,” said Febrian.

In the seminar, it was filled with discussions from practitioners of the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program Community Service Team guided by Mahadewi S.Sos., M.M. In addition, students are introduced to the tourism industry in Indonesia, presentations on tourism science, the relationship between tourism science and other sciences, the philosophy of tourism, to the current paradigm shift in tourism. Another member of the Community Service Team, ArmyWaiting Hariwanto, S.E., M.Par., said the cultural diversity in Indonesia can be an attraction for people to travel, both local and foreign tourists.

“Tourism has multidisciplinary linkages with other sciences, such as management, business, economics, culture, and others. Through these various multidisciplinary sciences and culture in Indonesia, they can be collaborated and used as an effort to improve the country’s economy by tourism and creative economy activists,” said Army.

This seminar activity was also equipped with competency certification material and received a warm welcome from the Vice Principal for Student Affairs of SMKN 24 Jakarta Elvi Irawati, S.Pd. “We are very grateful to Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program for providing our students with an introduction to the tourism industry in Indonesia and the competencies required. We hope to continue working with Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program to organize other activities in the future.”

Director of Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, SE, Ph.D, fully supports every community service program conducted by Universitas Indonesia Vocational academicians. “These community service programs are a form of Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program contribution to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia. In connection with the need for HR competence, especially in the field of tourism, Universitas Indonesia Vocational Program also has a Professional Certification Institute with tourism schemes such as Liaison Officer Specialist, Tour Guide, Public Speaking, and more.”

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