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Universitas Indonesia’s Faculty of Economics and Business TAM Team Wins Awards in Three National Competitions

The TAM team consisting of three undergraduate students of Economics Major, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI), Class of 2019, won achievements in three different competitions in November 2021. They won the national champion in the Ecopreneur business plan competition, the national champion in the IMOTION marketing plan competition, and as the second winner in The 16th Management e[X]pose business idea competition.

One of the member of the TAM team, Diandra Alya Putri, said that the key to her team’s victory in carrying out the three competitions was research. “With in-depth research, the business plan we produce is comprehensive and covers all operational lines, including marketing and finance. Through in-depth research, our team can explore how to form a product marketing strategy to be recognized by the public,” he said. In addition, according to Diandra, cooperation between members was also another winning factor for the team that also consisted of Keisha Karinna Avioza, and Nabila Cahyarani Kusworo.

This in-depth business plan research was reflected in Team TAM’s presentation at the Ecopreneur event. In this event, the TAM team presented financial and non-financial marketing strategies for the J-Express company. In developing a marketing strategy, the TAM team analyzed the phenomenon of the low portion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises shipments on the level of customer loyalty at J-Express. They analyze this marketing strategy by processing various data from journals, books, or other scientific sources that support the solutions/strategies that the team proposes in the business plan.

This depth of analysis in producing a good marketing strategy was also proven to bring victory in two other events, namely IMOTION and Management e[X]pose. In the latter event, the team was asked to create a business idea related to textile waste management in Indonesia. Not only that, the team was also asked by the organizers to provide innovations about sustainable business and generate shared value. This value must not only have a strong basis in economic profit, but also have a high impact on social and global environment.

“With such challenging demands, we try to conduct various researches about the business world in detail and comprehensively about what is currently needed by the community. Not only that, our team also reads current issues that can be used as insights when designing business ideas, so that our business proposals have great relevance to society,” said Diandra.

One of the other team members, Keisha continued that the biggest challenge while participating in all these competitions was time management, especially since they were participating in three competitions at once. According to her, this can be overcome with the focus and commitment of each member towards the team’s winning goal. “The most important thing for the team to maintain is the spirit of never giving up, even when the other team looks superior,” Keisha said.

He hopes that the TAM Team’s victory in these three events can inspire many students to continue to excel and have confidence in facing various life challenges. He hopes that the team’s victory can provide evidence that nothing is impossible if we are willing to work together and collaborate in achieving a goal.

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