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Universitas Semarang Visits UI to Study Research and Innovation

Universitas Indonesia (UI) welcomed a visit from the Universitas Semarang (USM) in the context of comparative research and innovation studies as well as community service. The visit was held in Meeting Room A, Floor 2, UI University Administration Center Building (PAU) on August 29th 2023. The USM delegation was received directly by the Director of Administration, Data and Management of Research and Innovation Products (ADPPRI) UI, Suminto, B.Ak., S. Sos., M.Si.

UI as a Higher Education Institution is required to implement the Three Principles of Higher Education concept, including Education and Teaching, Research and Development, and Community Service. UI has 4 Directorates which are under the coordination of the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation. These directorates have their respective responsibilities, namely the Directorate of Research and Development (DRP) which contributes to the quality of the number of publications; Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (DPPM) which plays a role in improving the quality of community service programs that are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program; Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP). The roles and duties of DISTP include formulating policies and innovation development, managing business incubators and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) processes as well as developing curriculum content that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship development within the UI academic community. Another directorate that supports UI’s research and innovation is the Directorate of Administration, Data and Research and Innovation Product Management (ADPPRI).

Head of UI Research Planning and Development Sub-Directorate, Dr. Andriansjah, M.Biomed, conveyed a strategy to improve the quality of UI research by changing the view from quantity of articles to quality that can reach Q1-Q2 publications in the top 10% percentile. “Research was carried out by paying attention to current line issues to increase citations. International collaboration is also very important to improve the reputation of published articles. Apart from that, research collaboration networks are carried out through the global research network and one of the important keys that can be done is the diaspora,” said Dr. Andriansjah.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Community Empowerment PPM, Dr. LG. Saraswati Putri, M.Hum explained that the service that has been carried out was in accordance with the values ​​adhered to by UI. Community empowerment activities are prioritized to improve the economic conditions of the community which leads to impact-based independence with several outcomes such as popular news, products, and policy briefs that can be given to policy makers. “One of the programs that has been implemented by DPPM is basic health services for officers working in the development process of the National Capital City in East Kalimantan.”

UI’s role as a higher education institution has a state responsibility which has a target, namely that the produced output must have an international reputation. In the student aspect, it is hoped that they will receive a quality learning process, then alumni will be ready to work according to industry needs. Apart from that, UI is responsible for creating superior and competitive human resources.

USM Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Budi Wahjuningsih, MP, explained that the purpose of USM’s visit was to learn about research and innovation in accordance with the current government mandate. “About patent downstreaming and research output that can be applied to society. The hope is that this visit can produce a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) which can be followed up for mutual progress in the future,” said Prof Sri Budi.

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