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Verging On a World Class Security System, Universitas Indonesia PLK Passes Licensing from the Indonesian Drone Pilot Association

To improve the security system at Universitas Indonesia (UI), the Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit of UI participated in drone training and feasibility tests held by the Indonesian Drone Pilot Association and the Geography Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS) This activity was attended by 8 Universitas Indonesia’s the Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit security personnel as well as 8 teaching assistants and 2 students from FMNS UI.

Participants who take part in Indonesian Drone Pilot Association training must meet the criteria, namely Indonesian Citizens (WNI); at least 17 years old; able to read, speak, and write, and understand English; demonstrate mastery of aeronautical knowledge by passing a basic aeronautical knowledge test; mental and physical conditions are stable; and do not consume alcohol or drugs.

The training was held from July 26-31. There are two stages that participants go through during the training, namely the provision of online theory about the use of drone aircraft and the competency test for using drones that takes place in the Rotunda UI courtyard. From the competency test, all trainees passed the verification and license to use drones. “Thank God that I and other participants have been verified and passed the license from Indonesian Drone Pilot Association to operate drones in the campus environment, thank you for your prayers and support,” said Sugeng, Media and Publications Team of Universitas Indonesia’s Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit

According to Indonesian Drone Pilot Association’s Public Relations Team, Anton Chandra, the theory given in the training is about Twelve aeronautical knowledge which includes regulations related to rights, limitations, and flight operations; classification of air space, requirements for the operation of the Aviation Operational Safety Area (KKOP), and flight restrictions; official weather information and weather effects; load and performance; emergency procedures; crew resource management; radio communication procedures; performance determination; physiological effects of drugs and alcohol; aeronautical decision-making; airport operations; and procedures for flight start-up inspection and maintenance of small unmanned aircraft.

The Media and Publications Team of Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit of UI, Ali Sadikin, said that in the future Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit of UI will implement strict and strict rules for the use of drones on campus. According to him, this step is an order for the Universitas Indonesia’s community and all citizens who visit the university not to use drones without permission from the campus. “This application is a form of Universitas Indonesia (UI) vigilance against people who take pictures without coordination with the university through the Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit of UI,” Ali said.

The plan is that UI’s Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation UnitI, Geography FMNS UI, and Indonesian Drone Pilot Association will collaborate on the flight of the drone in the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Campus environment. The cooperation was welcomed by a representative from Geography FMNS UI, Riza Putera, S.Si., M.Si. The team from Geography FMNS UI will assist in organizing aerial mapping in the campus environment, while the Indonesian Drone Pilot Association Team plays a role in managing the operating system. drone. This is done to maintain safety and security in the UI area.

Head of Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit of UI, Ach. Mukhtarul Huda, S.H.I., S.H., M.Si., encouraged Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit personnel to make UI a university with a world-class security system. The presence of a drone operating system in the UI environment can add value to productivity and speed up image monitoring by the Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit team. “This tool will be used more often to improve the quality of UI security to make it more efficient, easier, and faster,” said Huda.

Drones are aircraft that are controlled automatically through a designed computer program or through remote control from a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle. This tool is allegedly able to facilitate the performance of the Campus Environmental Security Technical Implementation Unit team in securing and disciplining the area of the Campus, both in Depok and Salemba. The existence of drones to take pictures and videos in the campus area can make Universitas Indonesia (UI) the university that has the best security system in Indonesia.

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