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VIA examination and Kegel Exercise as an Effort to Prevent Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer

Different from society in general, Correctional Inmates who are in detention centers (jail) have limited access to health services, including reproductive health. Services such as routine examinations, counseling, or medical interventions that may be needed are more difficult to obtain, hence why monitoring and early detection related to reproductive health, especially women’s inmates, requires special attention.

In addition, psychosocial aspects, the jail environment and living conditions that may be less supportive can cause stress, which can affect reproductive health. Limited privacy and lack of social support are also factors that influence the reproductive health of female inmates. Realizing this, the Department of Maternity Nursing, Faculty of Nursing (FIK) Universias Indonesia (UI) held a Community Service (Pengmas) activity entitled “VIA Examination and Education on Prevention of Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Life for Women” at the Cilodong Class I Detention Center, Depok City.

This activity aimed to provide VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) examination services and education on the prevention of cervical cancer and breast cancer to residents of the Cilodong Depok Class I Detention Center. Apart from that, this activity was also a concrete manifestation of FIK UI’s commitment to making positive contributions to society, especially in increasing women’s awareness and quality of life. All activities were carried out in compliance with health protocols to maintain the safety and health of all participants and officers involved.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Dr. Tri Budiati, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Mat., said, “This activity is a form of our social responsibility as a nursing education institution to participate in efforts to prevent and early detect cervical cancer and breast cancer. Hopefully, this activity can provide great benefits for the health and welfare of women in the Cilodong Depok Class I Detention Center.”

The activity began with education related to preventing cervical cancer and breast cancer as an effort to improve women’s quality of life. In the presentation of the material, preventive measures were explained, starting from vulva self-examinations (VULSARI), conscious examinations, and other preventive measures, such as providing balanced nutrition, carrying out regular physical activities, managing stress, and doing Kegel exercises. Then, VIA examination activities were carried out on 15 inmates in a separate room. Before the examination is carried out, screening is done as basic data on the health of the inmates. This VIA examination was carried out by Maternity Nursing Masters Students and Officers from the Cilodong Community Health Center UPTD.

VIA examination (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) is an examination method used to detect early changes in abnormal cells in the cervix. This procedure involves using an acetic acid solution that is applied to the cervix and then viewed with the naked eye or using tools, such as a colposcope to assess any cell changes. VIA examination has an important role in early detection of cervical cancer and precancerous conditions, allowing further treatment to prevent further development.

Meanwhile, the participants were also asked to demonstrate the Sadari examination (breast self-examination) and Kegel exercises guided by several FIK UI lecturers and students. The Sadari Examination is an early detection effort that can be carried out by inmates simply and at no cost and is recommended for women starting from the age of 20 years to do it themselves every month. Apart from that, residents also demonstrated Kegel exercises which are useful for training muscles in the feminine area.

Next, the activity closed by giving prizes to residents who asked questions and those who successfully answered the questions. Then, the plaque was handed over by Prof. Yati Afiyanti, S.Kp., M.N as Head of the FIK UI Maternity Nursing Department and was received by the Cilodong Depok Class I Detention Center, represented by dr. Imma as a doctor at the jail health clinic. Plaques were also handed over to the UPTD of the Cilodong Community Health Center, Septi and Diah as the health officer at the Community Health Center.

“We really appreciate this activity. Of course, this activity provides enormous benefits to our inmates. Not only knowing their health status, the inmates and women’s detention center officers are also directly educated about how to prevent cervical cancer and breast cancer,” said Brahmatya, as Head of the Cilodong Class I Detention Center. Meanwhile, one of the participants who took part in this community service also said, “I really enjoyed being explained about cervical cancer and breast cancer. I could ask lots of questions because someone in my family also had the same disease.”

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