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Victory! Eight UI Dentistry Majors Wins Awards at National Research Competition

drg. Nurulia Januarti and drg. Alana Aluditasari’s papers, titled “CAMBRA Indonesia Application “SKOR GIGI” in Basic Education Parents” and “Indonesian Version of CAMBRA Mobile Application ‘SKOR GIGI’ in Highly-educated Parents”, secured them first and second places respectively in Research. A first place in Literarure Review, another category, was won by drg.Theodora Elien through a paper titled “The Role of Chitosan in Dental Caries Prevention”.

These are but three of eight awards earned by postgraduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI) in the 15th National Scientific Meeting of Pediatric Dentistry (Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Ikatan Dokter Gigi Anak Indonesia /PIN IKGA), held in Medan on the 10th to 12th of March, 2022.

“We are very grateful for our victory in the competition. To bring eight medals home is definitely not easy. In the E-poster category of the competition, the team presented a poster displaying the results of our research, as well as a case report and literature review. In the Research category, the main challenges we faced were deadlines on the planning and timeframe of our research. [We had to make sure] that targets in the timeline and publication of the findings were reached. All of those challenges were eventually overcome, and we were able to achieve the best results, due to advice, encouragement, and prayers from our lecturers and support from our friends from the Faculty of Dentistry,” said drg. Nurulia Januarti.

The three topmost positions of Case Report was occupied by FKG UI students: the first place by drg. Ivan Surij with a paper titled Fracture Ellis Class II Management in Global Developmental Delay Child”, the second by drg. Melia Felicita with a paper titled “Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Evaluation of Impacted 21 and 22 Positions”, and the third by drg. Atika Caesar Pamungkas with a paper titled “Behaviour Management in Pediatric Patient with Ranula and Dental Anxiety”.

Two other categories won by FKG UI are the Quiz (First Place), won by a team consisted of drg. Kevin Pratama Susilo, drg. Ivana Florentina, and drg. Finny Lestari; and Educational Video (First Place), won by a video produced by the Specialist Dentistry Programme in conjunction with the Association of Indonesian Paediatric Dentists, DKI Jakarta section.

Behind the latest achievements of these eight students are Prof. drg. Heriandi Sutadi, Ph.D, Sp.KGA(K-PKOA)., Prof. Dr. drg. Sarworini B. Budiardjo, Sp.KGA(K-KKA)., Dr. drg. Eva Fauziah, Sp.KGA(K-PKOA)., and drg. Nieka A. Wahono, Ph.D, Sp.KGA(K-KKA). Dr. drg. Nia Ayu Ismaniati, MDSc., Sp.Ort(K)., the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, congratulated the students on their achievement. “Extraordinary and awe-inspiring. I express my congratulations and my utmost appreciation of the dedication of the students, instructors, and all other parties involved in the competition. Let this become a source of motivation and inspiration to other students, that they may work more vigorously, not only in seeking as much knowledge as possible and increasing one’s own portofolio, but also in making contributions towards society. This achievement, furthermore, may serve as a stepping stone for international competitions.”

Meanwhile, the Head of the Department, Dr. drg. Mochamad Fahlevi Rizal, Sp.KGA(K-PKOA)., stated, “The participation of our students in national and international events shall be intensified, because it serves as an effective means of training our students in the exchange of knowledge and clinical experience and research in the form of scientific papers of international repute in peer-reviewed pediatric dentistry that they will enter after finishing their studies. We hope that these achievements serve purposes not only for the students involved, but also to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry FKG UI, encouraging it in the creation of a scientific atmosphere and quality scientific works in the future.

The 15th National Scientific Meeting of Pedriatric Dentistry was organised by the Association of Indonesian Pediatric Dentists, North Sumatran Section. The annual event consists of an array of events, among them being Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Seminar, community service, and a virtual event titled “Problem Solving of The Craniofacial Disorder by Pediatric Dentists”. The latter event was attended by pediatric dentists and residence pediatric dentistry students from all over Indonesia.

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