en sipp@ui.ac.id dan humas-ui@ui.ac.id +62 21 786 7222

Vocademia UI Got Achievement from the Busan Music Festival


Vocademia UI got achievement from 11th Busan Choral Festival & Competition that was held on October 14th to 17th 2015. Vocademia UI got Gold Medal on Pop and Acapella category.

In this 11th year of Busan Choral Festival & Competition, there were 30 choirs with total 950 members from 9 countries. Various program such as Outreach Concert, Choral Workshop, Gala Concert and Peace Concert were also enliven the festival. As one of world-class choir competition, Busan Festival united various countries in the world into one ‘language’, that is music.

Competition of Busan Choral Festival & Competition 2015 consisted of five categories, that was Youth, Classical Mixed, Pop/Acapella, Ethnic, and Classical Equal. Jury of the competition consisted of Imant Raminsh (Canada), Jutgen Budday (German), Sang-Hoon Lee (Korea),Shin-Hwa Park (Korea), and Jennifer Tham (Singapore). On the Grand Prix Final, October 17th 2015, Indonesia that was representated by Vocademia UI competed with vocal group from Philippines and South Korea. Thanks to the harmonization and uniqueness that was shown by Vocademia UI, Indonesia got Gold Medal from this competition.

In this competition, there were 18 members of Vocademia UI who were participated. This achievement were achieved thanks to the harmonization, good team work, and nice arrangement performance. Ronald Wilson, S.T. and Mia Ismi Halida, S.Hum were UI Alumnus who acted as music director and arranger of pop song series that were sung by Vocademia UI, that were ‘Rather Be’, ‘Stay With Me’ and ‘Sugar’.

Vocademia UI is a vocal group that is consists of students, alumnus and lecturers of Universitas Indonesia. Officially founded by Drs. A.G.Sudibyo, M.Si in 2013, this vocal group was formed by Bintang Pop UI festival that is held annually. UI found some music talents from that event and develop them by festival and competition on national and international scale. Vocademia UI is one of the group that were born from Bintang Pop UI festival.

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