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Wageningen University & Research Achieves the Best Sustainable Campus of 1,050 World Universities

Wageningen University & Research Achieves the Best Sustainable Campus of 1,050 World Universities, UI Is the Best in Indonesia

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2022 establishes Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands, as the Best Sustainable Campus in the world, following by Nottingham Trent University, England, and University of Nottingham, England. Seven other world universities which are ranked in the top 10 in this category are University of Groningen, Netherlands; University of California, Davis, the United States; Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld (Trier University of Applied Sciences), Germany; University College Cork, Ireland; University of Connecticut, the United States; University of Bremen, Germany; and Universidade de Sao Paulo USP, Brazil.

In addition to the category “The 2022 Most Sustainable University”, UI GreenMetric also awarded “The 2022 Most Sustainably Improved University” to Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary; “The 2022 Most Active National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network” to the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; “The 2022 Most Sustainably Innovative University” to Mahidol University, Thailand; and “The 2022 Best New Participating University” to Universidad De Granada, Spain.

UI GreenMetric is an innovation from Universitas Indonesia (UI) which is widely known internationally as the world’s first higher education ranking based on high commitment in managing the campus environment. On Monday (12/12), at the UI Convention Center, Depok Campus, apart from giving awards to universities in Indonesia that have commitment and initiative towards a green university environment, UI GreenMetric also gave awards to global campuses that have the same concern.

According to Secretary of the University dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., teaching and learning activities this year have been running on campus because the Covid-19 pandemic situation has been well controlled. UI has developed many innovations as a form of adjustment to the pandemic situation because a university is actually a center for new innovations, including innovations in the green economy and all issues related to sustainability.

“Many collaborations have been established between us to contribute to the development of many innovations and initiatives to preserve our environment. I am pleased to know that today there are 94 new universities participating in the UI GreenMetric Ranking. This year, the total number of UI GreenMetric Ranking participants has reached 1,050 universities. This shows that awareness about sustainability in higher education is getting bigger,” said Agustin.

UI GreenMetric of World Universities becomes popular globally and is followed by many universities in various countries. This is evident from the number of participants which reaches more than a thousand universities from 85 countries in the world this year, from previously (2021) 956 universities from 80 countries. The UI GreenMetric assessment is based on three pillars, namely environmental, economic, and social value with the weight of the assessment indicators consisting of conditions and infrastructure of the campus; energy and climate change; waste management; water usage; transportation; as well as education and research.

Head of UI GreenMetric Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. appreciated the enthusiasm of world universities for participating in this ranking and thanked them for filling out all the information in a timely manner. “Thank you for all the hard work you have put in during this one year, in which we know that a lot of improvement has been made. In many universities there are various initiatives that have been carried out. Today we gladly announce the winners as the universities with the best sustainable campuses in the world,” said Prof. Riri.

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings is expected to have a sustainable impact on universities around the world. According to Deputy Chairman of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., this can be achieved by holding an annual ranking on sustainability, encouraging sustainability practices in universities around the world, providing services related to sustainability for universities around the world, and facilitating international partnerships in sustainability.

Representative from University of Connecticut, the United States, Patrick McKee, thanked the University of Indonesia for this award. “I appreciate all colleges and universities participating in UI GreenMetric this year. We hope this is a step in the right direction towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, within less than our previous target, which is 20 years. We will continue to improve innovation, collaboration, and persistence for progress in addressing global challenges,” said McKee.

Author: Sasa

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