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“Walking Together, Making Achievements” in the Faculty Academic System Introduction Program at the Faculty of Pharmacy

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia warmly welcomed their new family members, namely FF UI batch of 2023 students. FF UI 2023 students are expected to be able to adapt to the faculty’s academic system and the new campus environment. The 2023 University of Indonesia Faculty of Pharmacy Academic System Introduction Program (PSAF FF UI 2023) is a forum to facilitate and equip FF UI 2023 students in undergoing lectures. PSAF FF UI 2023 was held offline on 15th, 16th, and 18th of August 2023 at the UI Health Sciences Cluster Building. This year’s PSAF carried the values ​​of adaptiveness, enthusiasm, exploration, and integrity with a big theme, namely “Walking Together, Making Achievements”.

The first day of PSAF consisted of several presentations of material regarding the academic system that applies on the FF UI campus. PSAF 1 had the theme “Adapt and Thrive” and was intended to introduce and equip FF UI 2023 students about the academic system and campus environment of FF UI. Before entering the presentation session, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. apt. Arry Yanuar, M.Si, said that “PSAF is not only a series of introductory activities, but also a valuable opportunity to build relationships among fellow students and develop social, leadership, and collaboration skills that are very important in the academic journey.”

At this event, General Chairperson of PP Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IPA/IAI), apt. Noffendri Roestam, S.Si, also delivered a presentation related to the introduction of the Indonesian Pharmacist Competency Test (UKAI), Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), and IAI. He advised, “Use your college years as a solid foundation to develop your potential. Participate in various activities on and off campus to hone intellectual capacities. Be a dedicated pharmacy student, keep learning, and forge extensive connections.”

The second day of PSAF consisted of several activities, namely presentations, talk shows, and laboratory tours. With the theme “Dare to Dream”, PSAF 2 aimed to provide direction to FF UI 2023 students in recognizing and developing their own potential, especially in terms of careers in the pharmaceutical field. One of the main agenda items at PSAF 2 was a talk show with the theme “International Exposure” which discussed the benefits and experiences of FF UI students in international events. In PSAF 2 there was also a presentation about the pharmacist profession in various fields, including in the government sector, delivered by Dian Putri Anggraweni, S.Si., Apt., M.Farm., as Director of Standardization of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements and Cosmetics, the Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM) RI. She said, “The role of pharmacists in the Agency for Drug and Food Control is very important. As pharmacists, we have the responsibility to ensure that medicines and health-related products on the market meet the quality, safety and effectiveness standards set by BPOM. Pharmacists at BPOM are involved in the evaluation, testing, and supervision of medicines, food supplements, cosmetics, and other health-related products”.

On the third day, PSAF presented about pharmaceutical student organizations at the national and international levels as well as provision for self-development and careers in pharmacy. With the theme “Seize The Future”, it is hoped that FF UI 2023 students will know about the role of pharmaceutical student organizations such as the Association of Indonesia Pharmacy Student Councils (ISMAFARSI), International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF), and Student Exchange Program (SEP) at national and international levels. One of the main agenda items of PSAF 3 was a talk show about “Develop Career Plan ” delivered by apt. Azizah Nusaibah, S. Farm, as clinical pharmacy coordinator at RSIA Bunda Jakarta and Vice Coordinator Public Relations at IYPG (Indonesian Young Pharmacist Group ). This session discussed the steps and strategies needed to plan and develop one’s career. She said that self-understanding or self-awareness is important in career planning. With good self-understanding, individuals can identify potential such as strengths, weaknesses and personality, which is the basis for better self-development.

The three agenda items at PSAF FF UI 2023 were a series of themes that were packaged in an attractive way. With this, new students were not only happy to be welcomed warmly but also to get real experience and benefits, thus they have high motivation to explore knowledge when they start studying later. Head of PSAF FF UI 2023, Vira Nuha Sabita (batch of 2021) in her remarks said, “The four values ​​presented in PSAF FF UI 2023 are not only about understanding the academic field, but also about holistic self-development. FF UI 2023 students are expected to be able to recognize their potential, explore opportunities, and form characters with integrity, responsibility and ethics.”

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