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World Sleep Day Talkshow and Concert: Faculty of Health and RSCM Doctors Remind Us of the Importance of Sleep

On Friday (25/3), two institutions operated jointly by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) and Dr Cipto Mangunkusomo Hospital (RSCM). held a “World Sleep Day Talkshow and Concert”, an event which saw several experts delivering talks on 3 topics related to sleep and sleep disorder. In the first talk, titled “Relationship between AHDH, Obesity, and Sleep Disorder on Children”, Dr. dr. Bernie Endyarni Medise, SpA(K), MPH, a paediatrician from Brawijaya Kemang who had earned her degrees from UI, explained her take on sleep disorders and ADHD in depth. Sleep disorder is one of the symptoms of depression included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV). Inability to sleep for an extended period of time may possibly be a sign of depression. The most common forms of sleep disorders are insomnia and hypersomnia. Sleep disorder may be caused by a multitude of factors, including ones of a genetic, psychological, and environmental nature.

Dr. dr. Tirza Tamin, SpKFR (K) and dr. Rahmanofa Yunizaf, SpTHT-KL (K) outlined necessary steps to be taken in order to obtain a “fit and healthy” body. dr. Tirza defines health as “the condition of a human body being not afflicted by any disease, physical or psychological”, referring to a definition employed in Law No. 36 of 2009 On Health. Fitness, on the other hand, is the ability to perform activities energetically, and to stay energic even after performing said activities. A fit and healthy body is formed through daily habits.

“ADHD is strongly related to sleep disturbances. This may be seen in figures revealed by research, which shows that children with ADHD is five times more liable to be affected with sleep disorders than children in general. Another research shows that 70% of children with sleep disorders suffer ADHD.”

Another condition possibly connected to sleep disturbances on children is obesity. Obesity in children is often overlooked, according to dr. Klara Yulianti, SpA(K), who stated that [society] looks upon obese children as “cute”, even though obesity poses a risk to children’s metabolism. One of the possible causes of obesity is a disordered pattern or sleep or lack thereof (less than 8 hours per day). Lack of sleep may adversely affect the digestive system of children.

Sleep disturbance is also connected to headaches; however, it is yet to be determined with certainty which of the two is the cause of the other, according to Dr. dr. Astri Budikayanti, SpS(K). Her statement was corroborated by dr. Rudi Putranto, SpPD, K.Psi, FINASIM, who stated that headaches may be physically influences by psychological factors. The influence of psychological factors on one’s psychological condition is studied under a branch of medicine known as psychosomatics.

Dr. dr. Tirza Tamin, SpKFR (K) and dr. Rahmanofa Yunizaf, SpTHT-KL (K) recommended steps to be taken through which one can obtain a “fit and healthy” body. dr. Tirza defines health as “the condition of a human body being not afflicted by any disease, physical or psychological”, referring to a definition employed in Act No. 36 of 2009 on Health. Fitness, on the other hand, is the ability to perform activities energetically, and to stay energic even after performing said activities. A fit and healthy body is formed through daily habits.

To obtain a fit and fresh body, dr. Rahmanofa said that one needs quantitatively and qualitatively sufficient sleep. The quantity of sleep refers, no doubt, to the number of hours spent sleeping. Its quality, meanwhile, may be ensured by taking proper preparation before sleeping, so that the body assumes a proper stance or position while sleeping. Good quality of sleep determines various factors, such as depth of sleep and ease in waking up (without aid from medical substances). They, in turn, gives the body a sense of calm and vitality in the morning, and ward away sleep disturbances. In other words, quality of sleep is important and vital to one’s health.

The “World Sleep Day Talkshow and Concert” was the culmination of a series of webinars taking place throughout March 2022 attended by 48592 participants throughout Indonesia. The talks were interspersed by musical concerts which saw the performance of consular assistants, and was opened by remarks delivered by dr. Ika Dewi Mayangsari, SpTHT-KL(K), the Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (THT-KL), one of the two institutions organising the event, the other institution being the Instalation for the Improvement of Competence and Clinitical Simulation, Indonesian Clinical Training and Education Centre (iCom-Sik ICTEC).

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