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Lelang Kendaraan Dinas SIL dan SKSG

Berdasarkan Surat Wakil Rektor bidang SDM dan Aset Universitas Indonesia Nomor S-1254/UN2.R4/LOG.04/2023 tanggal 26 Mei 2023 tentang Persetujuan Penghapusan Aset Universitas Indonesia Berupa Kendaraan Dinas pada Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan dan Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia dengan perantaraan PT. Balai Lelang Serasi (IBID) akan mengadakan lelang melalui internet tanpa kehadiran peserta lelang berupa Dua […]

Leadership Development Series: Leading in The Digital Era

Jakarta, ASTON Priority No.Kav. 9, Jl. Let. Jend Jl. TB Simatupang No.2, RT.2/RW.2, Kebagusan, Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12520, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

** In today's fast-paced and technology driven landscape, leaders need to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends. UI LDC "Leadership Development Series: Leading in The Digital Era" presents an opportunity for leaders to enhance their leadership skills and gain new insights into effective leadership practices in facing digital challenges. This program will be […]

Implementation and Challenges of Bibliotherapy in Indonesia

Halo Libtizen! Kesehatan mental telah banyak dibicarakan dewasa ini. Banyak upaya untuk mengobati kesehatan mental, salah satunya dengan terapi pustaka. Terapi pustaka disebut juga dengan biblioterapi. Secara sederhana, biblioterapi dapat diartikan sebagai terapi yang dilakukan dengan membaca buku. Biblioterapi kadangkala juga dikombinasikan dengan kegiatan menulis, yang bertujuan agar pasien dapat mengungkapkan isi hati dan perasaannya […]


Lembaga Management Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia presents *INDONESIA COMPETITIVENESS RANKING 2023* *"From 44 to 34: Reasons and Challenges"* *LM FEB UI Keynotes (IMD Global Partner)* Since 2017 until present, the Institute for Management Development (IMD) Switzerland has trusted LM FEB Universitas Indonesia as the Official Global Partner in the research of the World […]

Festival Sumba

Matahari berkilau siluet jingga Sekuntum mawar merah semerbak harum wanginya Wahai keelokan senja Sumba Tuntunlah daku melihat mahakarya sesungguhnya Halo, Sahabat Budaya!πŸ‘‹πŸ» Tak kenal maka tak sayang. Oleh karena itu, mari berkenalan dengan kekayaan budaya Sumba yang akan kami sajikan melalui Festival Sumba 2023. Festival ini akan diadakan secara luring dan daring. πŸ“Livestreaming kanal Youtube: […]

Embrace the Future of Education with our International Webinar: Digital Transformation In Higher Education In The Changing World

  Join us as we dive deep into the fascinating world of "Digital Transformation in Higher Education in a Changing World" with an extraordinary lineup of speakers! πŸ”ˆMeet Our Speakers - Gatot F. Hertono, PhD (Universitas Indonesia) - Dr. Insung Jung (Seoul National University) - Dr. Neville Smith (University of Queensland) - Dr. Michael Gallagher […]

UI Vocational Worldwide Olympiad

Hello, Olympian! UI Vocational Worldwide Olympiad aims to improve human learning through digital transformation for Indonesians and worldwide. It is a program developed by the Department of Education and Science Vocational Student Executive Board University of Indonesia, focusing on student contributions in the university's digital technology program. For more information, reach us through : Jihaan […]

The Crystal of Knowledge Festival 2023; Best Practice in Research Writing: Prespective from The Experts

Research writing holds great significance for universities and researchers. Several key purposes such as the advancement of knowledge, university reputation, academic careers, and knowledge dissemination can be achieved through quality research writing. To assist the research writing process, research librarians play a crucial role in providing valuable support and resources. Therefore, in order to share […]

UI GreenMetric in collaboration with Mahidol University presents The Regional Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universities in ASEAN 2023

  UI GreenMetric in collaboration with Mahidol University presents The Regional Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universities in ASEAN 2023 This event will be held on: πŸ—“ Thursday, 7 September 2023 πŸ•˜ 9:00 AM -12:00 PM πŸ“ Zoom (the link will be provided upon completing the registration process) πŸŽ™ Welcoming Speeches: πŸ—£ […]

Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus (SGTC), “Prepare Yourself to be Global Talent and Bring Indonesia to the World”

  Halo, Sivitas Akademika UI. Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus (SGTC), "Prepare Yourself to be Global Talent and Bring Indonesia to the World" yang diadakan oleh Srikandi BUMN hadir di Universitas Indonesia untuk memberikan wawasan kepada Mahasiswa UI tentang potensi dan tantangan dalam mengembangkan diri menjadi individu berbakat dengan pandangan global. SGTC juga menawarkan kesempatan […]

Leadership Development Series; Leading With Impact

Menjadi seorang pemimpin yang berpengaruh dan memberi dampak bukan hanya bergantung pada kewenangan jabatan, tetapi juga harus memiliki kemampuan khusus yang disebut "Executive Presence". UI Leadership Development Center akan mengadakan "The 3rd Leadership Development Series: Leading with Impact" dengan tema "Strengthening Your Executive Presence" pada tanggal 20-21 September 2023 di ASTON Priority Simatupang Hotel Jakarta. […]