National Taxation Seminar
“Taxplore UI proudly present National Taxation Seminar with main theme UU HPP Sebagai Momentum Akselerasi”. This year, the seminar will take place with a new concept in the form of a series in two days.
UU HPP Series: Kupas Tuntas Aspek Pajak Penghasilan dan Amnesti Pajak
Keynote Speaker: Pande Putu Oka Kusumawardani, S.E., M.M., M.P.P., CA. (Plt. Kepala Pusat Kebijakan Pendapatan Negara Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF))
1. Estu Budiarto, Ak., M.B.A. (Direktur Perpajakan II, DJP)* to be confirmed
2. Darussalam, SE., Ak., CA., M.Si., LL. M Int Tax (Managing Partner of DDTC)
3. Dr. Ning Rahayu, M.Si (Akademisi FIA UI)
UU HPP Series: Kupas Tuntas Aspek Pajak Pertambahan Nilai
Keynote Speaker: Suryo Utomo, S.E., Ak., M.B.T. (Direktur Jenderal Pajak)
1. Drs. Hestu Yoga Saksama Ak., MBT. (Direktur Perpajakan I, DJP)
2. Karsino Miarso, Ak. S.H. M.Si (Tax Partner of MUC Consulting)
3. Prof. Dr. Gunadi, M.Sc., Akt (Akademisi FIA UI)
With Our Moderator,
Tracy Tardia
(CEO and Founder HiPajak)
This seminar will be held on:
š: December, 3rd-4th 2021
ā°: 13.15 -17.00 WIB
š: Zoom Meeting and Youtube Taxplore UI
It’s FREE for public and free e-certificate!
so register yourself now on:
Stay updated on our social platform for more updates and information about our event!