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FISIP UI Held International Conference on Democracy Practice Talk

Konferensi Internasional Ilmu Politik

Department of Political Sciences of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Indonesia (FISIP UI) together with Directorate Research and Community Services (DRPM) UI and American Association for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) held Biannual International Conference on Indonesian Politics and Government. The conference was held in two days on November 2nd-3rd 2015 at Auditorium Juwono Sudarsono, FISIP UI Campus, Depok.

“We are willing to contribute on conference activity that gather various studies from all over the world to be presented here. Hopefully, this conference will not only contribute for the science development, but also for democracy practice and Indonesia Government,” said the Chief Executive, Meidi Kosandi, Ph.D.

By bringing “Directions of Democratic Reforms and Government Effectiveness” theme, the conference presented four keynote speakers, who are Prof.Richard Robison, M.A, Ph.D (Murdoch University), Prof. Burhan D. Magenda, M.A, Ph.D (Universitas Indonesia), Julian Aldrin Pasha,Ph.D (Universitas Indonesia), and Dr. Nankyung Choi (University of Hongkong).

In order to support the discussion, the conference was also presented five more speakers from various international university, who are Andreas Ufen (German Institute of Global & Area Studies), Tomas Petru (Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences), Jae Hyeok Shin (Korea University), Diego Fossati (Cornell University), and Adam Tyson (University of Leed).

By cooperating with Pacific Affairs Journal, 12 best paper of the conference got the opportunity to publish their research on special sections of Pacific Affairs. The other researcher were also had a chance to publish their paper in book series form on the other international publisher. This chance of publishing the research on international level hopefully will encourage culture and research interest on political sciences, either on UI level or national level.

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